Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feb 05 - New 'TechCrunch' feed email from

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The Phone Stacking Game: Let's Make This A Thing

Feb 05, 2:00AM

phonestackSo it's Saturday night and you're out with friend. Are they the inconsiderate jerk who can't stop checking their smartphone? Or is that you? Either way, here's one way to make dinner a little more interesting. I've seen/heard this described as both "The Phone Stacking Game" and "Don't Be a Dick During Meals". It's been mentioned on a couple of blogs, but a quick straw poll of my friends suggests that it hasn't become widespread yet, at least on the West Coast. Which is a shame, because it's perfect for folks in tech.

I'm A New York Times Subscriber, So Where's My Tote Bag?

Feb 05, 12:21AM

new york timesThe New York Times released its latest earnings report earlier this week, spurring another round of discussion about the newspaper's paywall, which was launched near the beginning of last year. The consensus: Early signs are positive, but it's not doing well enough to offset plummeting print ad revenue.

Labor Efficiency: The Next Great Internet Disruption

Feb 04, 10:00PM

charlie chaplin modern timesFor more than a decade now, the Internet has done a great job of making things in our day-to-day lives more efficient by easily connecting parties who can have a mutually beneficial personal or business relationship. This same idea is now on the verge of disrupting labor and changing the definition of employment as we know it.

Facebook – Run from the Bulls?

Feb 04, 7:28PM

bulls pamplonaMuch ink has been spilled these past few days on the Facebook IPO filing. Much of it analyses the details revealed in the S1 initial document. Some of it has focused on revenue and growth; some of it on control and corporate governance, some on valuation and how reasonable or not it is likely to be, and a little on whether or not the IPO represents the end of Facebook's growth cycle. So, should you be a bull, and buy? Or should you run as fast as you can away from the bulls?

An Arab Spring For IT

Feb 04, 7:00PM

Demonstration_in_Al_BaydaChange in the air. It's palpable. Those of us in the technology world are witnessing a transformation: a buyer-led revolution in how information technology is both produced and consumed. Smartphones and tablets are upsetting the PC order; social applications are impinging on traditional "workforce productivity" and communications applications.

Gillmor Gang 02.04.12 (TCTV)

Feb 04, 6:15PM

Gillmor Gang test patternThe Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Kevin Marks, John Taschek, and Steve Gillmor — trembled in the face of Facebook's IPO and all-out war on the open Web, also known as Google. Me, I go back to Bill Gates during the DOJ deposition when he basically said we don't need no steenkin' breakup when Google will come along and be invented. @kevinmarks makes a good college (fitting) try of defending the open schmopen set, while none of us seem to notice Social Spring just keeps on rolling over conventional wisdom. Me, I'm pretty jacked up waiting for what this means for Twitter. Go Giants!

Algorithms/Data vs. Analysts/Reports: Fight!

Feb 04, 6:11PM

eco2market-mapQuick, what's the second most traded commodity in the world, after oil? Sorry, no: it's not coffee. In fact, while hard data is scant, it may well be -- of all things -- carbon. No, really. According to the World Bank (PDF) , the global carbon market was worth a whopping 1.42 Facebooks US$142 billion in 2010. Mind you, it's not like container ships weighed down to the gills with graphite are crossing and recrossing the Pacific every week. What we're actually talking about here is the trade in carbon offsets, ie, the absence of carbon. Very Zen, no? Anyway, techies should be comfortable with this notion; I seem to recall spending less time studying electrons than I did "holes," ie their absence, while acquiring my EE degree. Anyway, where there's a $twelve-figures market, there are startups fighting for a share. In particular, there's a bit of a war on to see who will be the primary aggregator of carbon-market data. On one side, dominating the market, I give you the Goliaths Point Carbon, a tentacle of the Thomson Reuters kraken, providing "independent news, analysis and consulting services for European and global power, gas and carbon markets," and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, doing much the same. On the other, I give you plucky little David eCO2Market, a Paris-based startup with an algorithmic sling.

Sh#t VCs Say: "Have You Ever Tried Kiteboarding?"

Feb 04, 5:16PM

Following in the tradition of "Shit Silicon Valley Says" and other Shit ______ Says memes, August Capital's David Hornick has made "Shit VCs Say." There are some gems in here, including:

Mark Zuckerberg's 6 Ingredients For Success

Feb 04, 3:04PM

markzuckerbergLeadership guru Warren Bennis asked whether leaders are born or made. When asked if Wall Street would accept a young Mark Zuckerberg in his early 20s as CEO, Facebook investor Peter Thiel said: "Well, we'll wait until he's over 25 to file".  Wise move, considering that Mark's title on his business cards read "I'm CEO, bitch". This week Facebook filed its S-1 to go public.  Mark is 27.  How Mark managed to launch a social networking site after Friendster had crashed during MySpace's zenith has been widely chronicled.  What's been less discussed is how Mark mastered the six requirements to succeed, namely Ambition, Vision, Determination, Execution, Luck and Timing.

Which Service Has The Best Welcome Message? (Hint: Pin Carefully!)

Feb 04, 2:00PM

WelcomeTwo days ago, I received an invite to Pinterest. (I know, I'm late.) After signing up, I pretty much ignored the welcome message, just as I do with most services. But last night I decided to get myself caught up after the Crunchies, and started reading through all my unread emails (even the ones from Nigerian royal's relatives) and found myself actually reading through the Pinterest welcome email, too. It's wonderful, and the reason it's wonderful comes down to just one bullet point:
Pin carefully! As one of the first members of Pinterest, your pins will help set the tone for the whole community. Use big images, write thoughtful descriptions, and pin things you really love. Also, no nudity :)

Daily Crunch: Zen

Feb 04, 9:00AM

1539Here are some recent stories on TechCrunch Gadgets: The Zen Table Practices Mindfulness So You Don't Have To The Wheel: What Is The Foxconn Debate Really About? iModela Adds CNC Milling To Your Home 3D Printing Arsenal

Facebook Javascript API Goes Down, Taking Down Likes, Comments And Apps With It

Feb 04, 4:22AM

Screen Shot 2012-02-03 at 8.18.55 PMI dare you to Facebook Like or even comment on this post. You can't, because the Facebook Javascript API, the backend system which allows developer applications and Facebook's own apps like Likes and Comments to communicate with the data available on the social network, is down, and has been down for at least an hour as far as I can tell, begging the question, "If article falls on a blog and no one Likes it, does it make a sound?"

Investors Drive $ZNGA Up 26% In Two Days Following Facebook IPO Filing

Feb 04, 3:54AM

Screen Shot 2012-02-03 at 6.46.46 PMThose of us who have been following the social gaming industry already know that Zynga has made up a big portion of Facebook's revenues. But lots of public investors only seem to have gotten the memo on Wednesday evening, when Facebook's S-1 filing revealed that the developer made up 12% of its total revenues, or $445 million. In the two days since, Zynga's stock has gone up more than 26%, to close at $13.39 this evening.

I Use Wikipedia More Than Makeup

Feb 04, 3:27AM

Screen Shot 2012-02-03 at 7.23.35 PMI just donated $40 to Wikipedia, because I promised myself I would every time I poked fun at its Holiday donation drive and then just never got around to it. Did you know that you could actually donate during the off-season (Via the covert "Donate to Wikipedia" link at the far left of each individual entry page)? I didn't, before I asked Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales whether it was possible to donate in the off-season. Spoiler alert, it is. My 40 bucks got me, in addition to the very sweet 'Thank You' letter below, the satisfaction of paying duly for something I use all the time.

Google Adjusts Political Posture With Sponsorship Of Conservative Conference

Feb 04, 2:09AM

redbluIn interesting but ultimately not very shocking news, Google has signed on as a major sponsor of the Conservative Political Action Conference, which is more or less what it sounds like. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just a little odd seeing Google, which is becoming increasingly political, listed next to such organizations as the Koch Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and the NRA. But this isn't the moment Google comes out as a closet Republican. It's actually quite in keeping with Google's position of aggressive neutrality.

Watch 2012 Super Bowl Commercials Now With Facebook + USA Today's Ad Meter

Feb 03, 11:48PM

Facebook USA Today Ad Meter AppWant to watch the big budget Super Bowl commercials, but can't wait till Sunday or don't care about football? Facebook and USA Today have just launched Ad Meter, a Facebook app where you can watch many of the TV spots right now. Then from kickoff until Tuesday night you can vote for your favorites. Traditionally an offline poll done live with handheld meters, USA Today has finally brought Ad Meter online so you can judge ads both in real-time and post-game.

Pokki Gives Quick Access To Madden NFL Superstars, Just In Time For The Big Game

Feb 03, 11:00PM

maddenshotIt's the Super Bowl season, when a host of services and apps debut just in time for the biggest television event of the year. And, if you're a fan of Madden's NFL Superstars (a web app that's available through Facebook), then you'll like this launch: the game is now available as a Pokki right here. Pokki, for those that haven't used it, is a platform that lets you install lightweight apps that live in your Windows Taskbar (a Mac version is on the way). Each app gets its own icon — click on it, and the app will pop open immediately, click away and it'll hide itself, and when you click it again, it'll pick up right where you left off.

Arianna Wants To Put A Nap Room In TechCrunch HQ. LOL.

Feb 03, 10:48PM

alexi2Silicon Valley absolutely, positively doesn't need a nap room because in theory we don't sleep, let alone nap (and if we do need to nap -- like in an emergency -- we take that shiz home, far far away from hungry competitors!). Please Aol Mr. Sr. Facilities Manager, take that money and buy us a bunch of Diet Coke to drink late at night or that great beef jerky we used to have or a copyediting slave intern or passes to Burning Man or anything but a room specifically designed for being less productive.

Fear Not: Google Will Still Support The Verizon Galaxy Nexus

Feb 03, 10:29PM

gnEarlier this afternoon Droid-Life noticed something strange: the Android developer devices page had been modified to remove the Verizon Galaxy Nexus, leading the site to question whether Google may have removed support for the device because of its spat with Verizon over Google Wallet.  Which would stand to infuriate a lot of new Galaxy Nexus users (including myself), who are looking forward to receiving device updates directly from Google and not having to wait for Verizon to get around to pushing their own releases. Thankfully, we've confirmed this isn't the case: Google says it will indeed be updating the Verizon Galaxy Nexus in the future.

U.S. Government & Military To Get Secret-Worthy Android Phones

Feb 03, 9:50PM

hardwareThe amount of stuff we trust to fly in and out of our smartphones is astounding. Just look at what happened when a couple of reporters got access to an unwitting (and rather unlucky) Apple employee's iMessages alone — within days, they learned more about him than most people know about their closest friends. Now, imagine all the stuff that could fly in and out of a government official's phone, or that of a highly-ranked member of the military. Forget saucy texts and booty pictures — we're talking about state secrets, here. Looking to keep their secrets underwraps while on the go, the U.S government is working on a build of Android custom-tailored to meet their security requirements.

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