Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Google Alert - technology

=== Google News Alert for: technology ===

Could Apple ship 65 million iPads next year?
by Caroline McCarthy An article Wednesday in the Taiwanese news outlet
DigiTimes reported that some of the companies that manufacture parts for
Apple's iPad are anticipating the company may ship 65 million of the tablet
devices in 2011. ...
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News: Microsoft Co-founder Paul Allen Refiles Apple Patent Lawsuit
The Mac Observer
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen refiled a patent infringement lawsuit
against Apple and several other companies on Tuesday, just ahead of a court
imposed deadline. The original case was tossed out in early December when a
Federal Judge said the ...
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Newark Mayor Uses Twitter to Dig Out the Snowed-In
Fox News
Newark mayor Cory Booker has won high marks for his hands-on response to
the blizzard, notably across micro-blogging website Twitter. Newark Mayor
Cory Booker has been getting personally involved in the fight to clear his
city out from the recent ...
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4Chan, a Breeding Ground for Hackers, Crippled by Hackers
Fox News
Web forum 4Chan, which gave birth to the hacker collective Anonymous, was
taken down by hackers Tuesday, the Washington Post reported. Anonymous has
taken credit for several recent Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
attacks against major websites ...
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Report: Apple readying CDMA compatible iPad
According to a new report, Apple is also striving to improve the iPad's
screen to reduce smudging and glare. As rumors persist about a CDMA-ready
iPhone being released in the near feature, so begins increased speculation
that Apple is also readying a ...
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Response to Wired's accusations
By Glenn Greenwald As noted above, the principal tactic of
Editor-in-Chief Evan Hansen and Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen in responding
to my criticisms is to hurl a variety of accusations at me as a means of
distracting attention from the issue ...
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Cuckold computer tech faces ID theft charges over Gmail 'hack'
By John Leyden • Get more from this author A husband accused of hacking
into his wife's webmail account in order to discover evidence of an affair
has been charged with identity theft. Leon Walker, 33, from Rochester
Hills, Michigan, suspected his wife ...
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