Thursday, December 30, 2010

Google Alert - technology

=== Google News Alert for: technology ===

Skype Releases Apple iOS Video Chat
App allows recent iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices to make and receive
video-enabled calls with Windows, Mac, Linux, and other iOS devices. By
Alison Diana , InformationWeek Only a few days after posting -- and
removing -- a sneak peek at details of its ...
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Malware infected apps threatening Android devices
The trojan is capable of taking control of users' phones to transmit
information to a remote server. A sophisticated trojan dubbed Gemini is
threatening Android devices in China and could spread to devices in other
regions, according to a new report ...
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Faster Forward: Skype outage explained and how to move forward
Washington Post
By Hayley Tsukayama The Cliffs Notes version is that a bug in an older
version of the Windows client of Skype couldn't process a backlog of
offline instant messages from overloaded servers. The bug wasn't in the
latest Windows client, the Mac client or ...
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3D Game Player Not for Pre-Schoolers, Nintendo Warns
ABC News
By JOHN GEVER, MedPage Today Senior Editor Children under age 6 should not
use a forthcoming portable 3D video game player because it could
permanently damage their eyesight, its manufacturer warned. The Japanese
company Nintendo plans to introduce its ...
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What's it like to develop for Windows Phone 7?
By Andrew Long | Published December 30, 2010, 12:10 PM I started developing
applications and websites using Microsoft tools about 15 years ago, and I
anticipated developing for Windows Phone 7. In fact, two of my WP7 apps
were announced as winners in ...
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PS3 hacked through poor cryptography implementation
Ars Technica
By Casey Johnston | Last updated December 30, 2010 11:25 AM A group of
hackers called fail0verflow claim they've figured out a way to get better
control over a PlayStation 3 than ever before. After they worked through a
number of Sony's security ...
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Barnes & Noble Says Nook Is Its Best Seller
Wall Street Journal
By MATT JARZEMSKY Barnes & Noble Inc. said its line of Nook e-readers has
become the best-selling product in the company's nearly 40-year history.
The company said Thursday that sales of the color version of its e-reader
have continued to exceed its ...
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Facebook is Most-Searched Term in 2010: Report
Web surfers spent more time in 2010 looking up Facebook than any other
search term, according to an Experian report. It was truly the year of the
social network, as Facebook topped the list of most-searched terms on the
Internet for the second year in ...
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Verizon iPhone due within weeks, says Bloomberg
By Wilson Rothman A report from Bloomberg Businessweek says that not only
is the Verizon iPhone likely to appear by Valentine's Day, but that Apple
will probably hold "one of its splashy product introductions" announcing
the new product — and the end ...
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