Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Google Alert - facebook

=== Google News Alert for: facebook ===

SEC Probes Trading in Private Companies Including Facebook and Twitter
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has launched a probe into
trading with shares of privately owned companies, including Facebook and
Twitter, ...
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Paul Allen Refiles Lawsuit Against Top Tech Companies
Allen proved this yesterday by refiling a patent infringement lawsuit
against AOL, Apple, eBay, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Office Depot,
OfficeMax, Staples, ...
See all stories on this topic:

This Week's Fastest Growing Facebook Applications
Be sure to look over all of the top applications on Facebook by visiting
here. Check out this week's list below. Zynga's CityVille holds on to the
top spot ...
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Facebook Drives Massive Traffic Boosts To Media Sites
By Chris Crum Facebook says it has increased referral traffic to media
sites by over 100% thanks to tools like its social plugins and Graph API,
See all stories on this topic:

2011 cyberattack targets: iPhone, Facebook, Foursquare
Foursquare, Gowalla and Facebook Places -- which let mobile phone users
alert their friends to their current whereabouts -- pose an increasing
security ...
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Social Commerce Top 10 for 2010; Outlook for 2011
Practical Ecommerce
Two social commerce topics that created the biggest stir this year were
location-based social networks like Foursquare and Facebook Places, and
group coupon ...
See all stories on this topic:

This as-it-happens Google Alert is brought to you by Google.
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