Sunday, April 8, 2012

Apr 08 - New 'Resources | ZDNet' feed email from

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Gastronomy has to be our single most important technology - There's no civilization or computers without it

Apr 08, 5:20AM

We think of computer technologies as being the most important of our inventions yet a much more humble technology has had a far greater impact...

AT&T to allow unlocking of off-contract iPhones

Apr 07, 10:40PM

Unlock your old iPhone and find a better deal with a different carrier.

Anonymous hacks UK government sites over 'draconian surveillance'

Apr 07, 10:23PM

Anonymous has launched a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) against multiple UK government websites. The group is not pleased with the UK government's plans to monitor Internet users.

US government hires company to hack into video game consoles

Apr 07, 9:32PM

The U.S. Navy is paying a company six figures to hack into used video game consoles and extract sensitive information. The tasks to be completed are for both offline and online data.

Has Flashback malware made you consider installing antivirus on your Mac?

Apr 07, 8:40PM

Hello Mac users, welcome to the problems facing Windows users!

Here's what Facebook sends the cops in response to a subpoena

Apr 07, 6:02PM

When the authorities send a subpoena to Facebook for your account information, what do they receive? Here is a document showing the pages and pages of data Facebook hands over.

Analysts bullish on IT spending; where will the money go?

Apr 07, 3:18PM

Both Gartner and Forrester predict enterprise software will lead continuing IT spending surge through the next two years. Who benefits?

Enterprises support $4.5 trillion worth of legacy systems: estimate

Apr 07, 2:45PM

IBM executive says 70 to 80% of IT resources is spent maintaining existing systems; recommends massive consolidation.

The Google 7-inch Android tablet will cost more, be delayed until July

Apr 07, 1:00PM

Due to cost pressures, it looks like Google's own slate will cost the same as the Kindle Fire, and be launched in July.

TeenTech Weekly: Lulzsec, Twitter expulsion, BYOD

Apr 07, 1:00PM

The weekly roundup of Generation Y and student resources you may have missed.

Hacker steals Chinese government defense contracts

Apr 07, 4:53AM

Hacktivist Hardcore Charlie says he has hacked China National Import & Export Corp (CEIC), a Chinese government defense contractor, and stole over 500MB worth of documents.

iPads go black in portrait mode with polarized sunglasses

Apr 07, 4:49AM

The iPad isn't compatible with polarized sunglasses in portrait view. The good news is that it doesn't matter unless your a movie star -- or Corey Hart.

Second source confirms: 1 in 100 Macs are infected by Flashback

Apr 06, 10:10PM

A second source has now confirmed previously reported research: at least 600,000 Macs worldwide are infected with the Flashback malware downloader. That's a staggering number, representing about...

Why a business only hurts itself by demanding Facebook passwords

Apr 06, 8:49PM

The disadvantages outweigh the benefit of demanding employee Facebook passwords - you only damage the company.

The name's the same, but the means has changed

Apr 06, 8:33PM

Blue-blooded names are beginning to appear on the cap tables of tech startups. Coal and timber? Old news. Social mobile apps? Now you're talking.

Sex Tech: Porn Site Metrics, Team Brazzers, Adult Friend Finder Images

Apr 06, 8:26PM

Brazzers bids for online game sponsorship, the internet is full of porn, Adult Friend Finder sued for image misuse, erotic hypnosis.

Group aims to vet worth of ID standards for mobile, software, other cloud services

Apr 06, 6:30PM

The Identity in the Cloud technical committee at OASIS is calling on the public to help it vet identity standards for a myriad of cloud use cases from mobile to digital signatures.

US military: Dismiss marine who criticized Obama on Facebook

Apr 06, 6:11PM

Gary Stein, a marine who has been criticizing U.S. President Obama on Facebook, has been recommended for dismissal by the Marine Corps administrative board. His lawyers are fighting back.

San Diego burger joint saves electricity with LED lighting

Apr 06, 5:23PM

Even though Hodad's second location is twice the size of its original restaurant, it uses the same amount of electricity.

Galaxy Nexus: Minor update breaks signal reception

Apr 06, 5:10PM

A minor update to the Android software on the Galaxy Nexus has broken signal reception on those phones. This is further proof the Android update system is hopelessly broken.

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