Saturday, May 14, 2011

New injunction specifically mentions Twitter as #superinjunction traffic soars


Will the fact that injunctions are now specifically mentioning Twitter and Facebook by name make any difference whatsoever? According to The Telegraph, the first injunction to name Twitter and Facebook as places where information relating to the case should be revealed has been issued by the Court of Protection. This isn’t a super-injunction, which is [...]

The Cloud is so leaky we should call it The Rain


If you look for them, you will find that there are many thousands of stories out there about the business aspects of the cloud, and especially how companies should be working to monetize it. There are relatively few, though, about security. I could not help but notice a story this morning that talks about a [...]

LimeWire ‘escapes lightly’ with $105 million fine


The good news for LimeWire is that it has been fined just seven percent of the maximum penalty it faced for copyright infringement. The bad news is that still adds up to more a hundred million dollars. The company has agreed to pay damages of the oddly precise figure of $10,808 for each of the [...]

Apple obviates DIY Mid 2011 iMac HDD upgrades


Replacing a hard drive in an original 1997 iMac is like pulling a tooth. Nevertheless, it’s doable — knuckle scraping parts aside that didn’t always fit back together, patience and time would get the done job. Apple’s taken that certainty and turned it on its head with the newest all-in-one models. Starting with [...] Related [...]