Thursday, May 5, 2011

Evidence points to ‘Anonymous’ regarding PSN hack


Sony recently posted an update on its official bog summarizing what the company told the subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade of the US House of Representatives. Some [...] Related posts: Anonymous attacks Sony over PS3 hack Sony and George Hotz settle lawsuit, so where does that leave Anonymous? Sony: there is no evidence of [...]

Yes, iPad is the future of education


Textbooks are such a 20th Century scam. Underscoring that fact is a new study from the American Heartland that students and educators both see great advantage in ditching trees and picking up Apple’s game changing tablet computing device, a.k.a. the iPad. As anyone who’s visited a school or university computer lab knows, the [...] Related [...]

Situation Room Bin Laden death photo huge on Flickr, inspires Photoshop meme


The photo showing U.S. President Barack Obama and others watching the operation to kill Osama Bin Laden is well on its way to being the most-viewed photo of all time on Flickr. It has also inspired a fast-spreading Photoshop meme. President Obama has decided, in his infinite wisdom, that photos of Osama Bin Laden after [...]

White no thicker than black


The first thing I saw when folks began claiming the white iPhone is thicker than the black version was the halo glow common in photographs of things that are white. That is, it only looks thicker and Phil Schiller’s tweet on the subject did nothing to calm this tempest in a teapot. Now [...] Related [...]

Spotify aims to make iTunes redundant


Legal music streaming service Spotify was already available on portable devices such as the iPhone. Now it’s getting a special compatibility feature for iPods. Naturally this won’t mean streaming music to the iPod: it’s not a miracle system. Instead it means that users who currently use Spotify as their main desktop music program will be [...]

Facebook: selling your privacy one fact at a time


There was a recent accusation by Julian Assange, of Wikileaks fame, that Facebook is a spy organization extraordinaire.The Truth is not nearly that exciting. Facebook is just a privacy panderer. Mark Zuckerberg's job, as he see it, is to take control of every morsel of private information about every person in the world. At least, [...]