Friday, July 5, 2013

Jul 05 - New 'TechCrunch' feed email from

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STABiLGO Kickstarter Hopes To Take Its Action Sport Video Stabilizer To Market

Jul 05, 2:00AM

8522a35996cad3f42e35dcde16bae1c2_largeWatching GoPro footage makes it clear that there is basically nothing cooler than first-person action sport shots. And for those who are spending the day at the skate park, one Kickstarter project is hoping to that genre of filming to the next level.

Fly Or Die: Samsung Galaxy S4 Active

Jul 05, 1:00AM

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 10.19.00 PMWe first caught wind of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Active back in May, before it had been announced. Ruggedized smartphones aren't always so tantalizing, but seeing that the Galaxy S4 Active is a variant of the Samsung flagship Galaxy S4, we thought it wise to bring the little guy in for an episode of Fly or Die.

Qualtrics CEO Ryan Smith On The Utah Tech Scene, Taking His Company Global, And More [TCTV]

Jul 04, 11:58PM

Screen Shot 2013-07-04 at 4.57.16 PMQualtrics, the enterprise data collection and analysis software company, has become an established anchor of the tech scene in its native Utah since it was founded more than a decade ago. But the company is now looking to expand in a very different neck of the woods -- Europe. To that end, Qualtrics has recently opened up its first international outpost, with a new office in Dublin, Ireland.

Help Me Help Uses Crowdsourcing To Make Disaster Response More Efficient

Jul 04, 10:00PM

2013-07-04_1105Help Me Help wants to make it easier for emergency responders to get a full picture of a situation after a disaster happens. The service combines crowdsourcing, a smartphone app and web service that allows trained professionals and civilians to mark up a map in real time with the location and photos of downed power lines, damaged structures, fires, road obstructions and other hazards.

Roamz Hits The Deadpool, But The Team Stays Together With A New Focus

Jul 04, 9:47PM

roamz_icon_logoAfter a series of rapid fire pivots, Roamz, one of many services launched during the location-centric app explosion to try and help you find things to do nearby, has shut down. To date, the team had raised around $3.5M, almost entirely from Australian direct mailing/marketing house Salmat.

America's Robot Heart, Half Broken

Jul 04, 9:04PM

20130704-135654.jpgYou’d think we’d have given up. Signs of the technology police state whip gale force at our flag. Our social tools serve to serve us tragedy while our legislative bodies do their best to serve themselves. There’ve been plenty of reasons to hang our heads low. But we clench our fists and push on, even if our faith’s been shaken. When regulators tried to hand the Internet to Hollywood, we beat back SOPA. When terror struck Boston, perhaps we followed along a bit too eagerly, but hung in there together as the Redditors did their best to dig up evidence. But PRISM. It’s made us question everything. Our government, our tech giants, our privacy, and our morals. Does Obama really fight for us? Have our social networks and search engines pushed back hard enough? Is anything secret anymore? Are those secrets worth sacrificing for security? It’s legitimately scary to think that the greatest threat to our way of life may come from within. Abraham Lincoln understood. In 1838, he asked: “Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined…could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” While Lincoln spoke of the brewing civil war, his warning holds just as true for surveillance. Not only could its overstepped application strip us of our freedom, but its looming spectre casts a chill over expression, discussion, and the dissent our nation was built upon. Today we must celebrate our independence differently. Not just by remembering our founding fathers’ ideals but by taking up their cause. By refusing to sit idle behind our screens. By demanding not the nation we have or even had, but the nation we need. And none are as empowered to take a stand as we, the makers of tomorrow. It’s up to the founders, doers, and entrepreneurs whose work touches the world to say

Nokia's New Flagship (The Lumia 909?) Spotted In Leaked Images Ahead Of July 11 Event

Jul 04, 8:48PM

nokiaEOS909For many of us today the 4th of July signifies a day of patriotism, fireworks, and grilled meats, but it also means that there are only seven days left until Nokia opens the doors to a New York press event that's expected to highlight the company's new flagship Windows Phone. The volume and legitimacy of pre-launch leaks surge in the days just prior to a device's unveiling, so it's little surprise that noted gadget leaker Evleaks (or Evan, if you prefer) posted a pair of authentic looking images of the phone with just days left to go.

A Very Celebratory Giveaway: A Pebble Smartwatch And A Free Ticket To Disrupt SF

Jul 04, 8:13PM

pebbleHappy Fourth of July to everyone who is celebrating today! We hope you are enjoying the sunshine, family and friends, booze, fireworks, hot dogs -- whatever you're into. To help commemorate the holiday, we decided to give some fun stuff away. As you know, Disrupt SF 2013 is coming up fast. Disrupt NY was a blast, but Disrupt SF this year will be even better. We have a ton of surprises up our sleeves and special guests we still have yet to announce. If you'd like to come, this is your first chance to win a free ticket (valued at $1,795).

Feeling Nostalgic? Shoebox Lets You Scan Old Photos With Your Phone, Update Your Family Tree

Jul 04, 8:10PM

Shoebox from AncestryShoebox, the mobile photo archiving app acquired from San Francisco-based 1000memories last fall, has now gone live at its new home. The updated version of the app, Shoebox 3.0, still allows users to scan in their old non-digital prints - you know, those things the old folks still refer to as "photographs" - while also cropping and auto-flattening the images for the correct perspective. But now, those photos are no longer in their own, more isolated social networking site, as they were when hosted by 1000memories. Instead, the photos can be mapped, tagged and added to your family tree at

Dell Looks To Smartwatches And Wearable Tech, But That's Just Another Boat To Miss

Jul 04, 6:19PM

dell-smartwatchDell is reportedly investing in wearable tech, with an eye to developing smartwatch devices, according to a report from The Guardian. Dell itself is saying that it's looking closely at the wearable-tech trend, with the aim of predicting what personal computing will look like in five years' time. Sure, it's a smart move, but it's also an obvious one: If there's a computer company out there with an R&D department that isn't at least exploring wearables, they should probably just pack it in.

Personal Q&A Site Is Growing At A Clip Amid Media Backlash Over Safety Of Its Young Users

Jul 04, 6:15PM, the Latvian startup that's been left carrying the personal Q&A torch after its inspiration, Formspring, pivoted to pastures new, is continuing to grow at an absolute clip. It's now at 65 million registered users, up from 8 million in June last year, and is adding about 300,000 new users per-day, seeing it garner 190 million unique visitors last month. User sessions sit at a highly engaged 15 minutes on average, too. But this growth isn't without cost.

Independence Day Was The Most Superlative Of All Days For Instagram And Vine

Jul 04, 6:00PM

photo-2The Fourth of July was another record-shattering day for Instagram and Vine, as users shared millions of hours of video. As Americans fired up their barbeques and enjoyed the holiday, millions were faced with a decision not dissimilar to Patrick Henry's choice between liberty and death: six seconds or fifteen seconds?

The Declaration Of Independence, 2013

Jul 04, 5:00PM

uc06330When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. –Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. May everyone live under democracy, and may democracy serve everyone. Happy July 4th. [Image credit: Yes We Scan, Kodak Agfra, Takver, lgbtpr, ugurdemiroz]

NSA Spying Risks Undermining Trust In U.S. Cloud Computing Businesses, Warns Kroes

Jul 04, 4:47PM

5160804657_5f1108d447The NSA PRISM spying scandal risks undermining trust in U.S. cloud computing businesses, the EC's vice-president, Neelie Kroes, has warned in a speech today. Kroes also reiterated calls for "clarity and transparency" from the U.S. regarding the scope and nature of its surveillance and access to data on individuals and businesses living and conducting business in Europe.

France Has A PRISM-Like Program With Millions Of Trillions Of Metadata Elements

Jul 04, 4:38PM

SpySacrebleu! The NSA isn't the only security agency to collect data. In fact, France's PRISM-like program is going very strong with millions of trillions of metadata elements stored in a Parisian basement, according to a report from French newspaper Le Monde. The program targets phone communications, emails and data from Internet giants, such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Yahoo! It is deemed illegal by the CNIL, the French data protection authority but it is not as clear as it seems.

AngelList Now Has More Than 100K Startup Profiles, Makes More Than 500 Intros Between Startups And Investors A Week

Jul 04, 4:00PM

naval ravikantAngelList has quickly emerged as an indispensable resource for connecting entrepreneurs with investors. Started as an email newsletter, the website now has more than 18,000 accredited investors, including more than 6,000 that it would consider sophisticated investors. AngelList also has more than 100,000 startup profiles, of which about 3,000 have been funded through AngelList.

CommonFloor Raises $7.5M From Tiger Global, Accel To Be India's Zillow

Jul 04, 3:44PM

commonCommonFloor, a real estate search engine and listings site in India, has raised $7.5 million in funding from existing investors, Tiger Global Management and Accel India. CommonFloor is similar to Zillow and Trulia, but is a marketplace for real estate listings in India, particularly for apartments and gated communities. Similar to other listings sites, the startup includes apartment and home features, amenities, master plan, location map, builder profiles, property pictures, neighborhood profiles, and reviews.

Valta Turns To Kickstarter To Fund Home Gadget Energy Management Platform

Jul 04, 2:16PM

514f20226582af97f8ba2a2441d3821d_largeToronto-based startup Valta is looking for Kickstarter funding to help it bring its remote energy management system to life, in order to put complete control over power usage by devices in any home in a homeowner's pocket. It combines special socket attachments with a hub, iPhone app and web-based application to deliver energy waste monitoring, as well as remote control of unused devices sapping juice.

Android 'Master Key' Security Hole Puts 99% Of Devices At Risk Of Exploitation

Jul 04, 1:20PM

malware androidMobile security startup Bluebox Security has unearthed a vulnerability in Android's security model which it says means that the nearly 900 million Android phones released in the past four years could be exploited, or some 99% of Android devices. The vulnerability has apparently been around since Android v1.6 (Donut), and was disclosed by the firm to Google back in February.

Apple Exploring Earbud Tech That Can Compensate For Specific Fit In Each User's Ear

Jul 04, 12:00PM

apple-in-earThe USPTO is big on Apple patents this morning, with a new application published around earbud technology. Apple's own earbud designs have been mostly underwhelming, even if the last change for the stock set that comes with iPhones and iPods was an improvement. The new patent application describes tech that could be truly game-changing, however, by adjusting earbud output to match any user's specific ear canal size and shape.

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