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Jan 08, 12:29PM

Thousands of years ago Greeks plied the waters of the Mediterranean as traders and merchants. They were, perhaps, amongst the first ever entrepreneurs. But somewhere along the line between then and now that history faded. Admittedly, inklings of that spirit remained in the world famous Greek shipping industry - but a reliance on government jobs and European Union subsidies did its best to quell the age-old spirit of entrepreneurship. Four years ago, TechCrunch held its first ever meetup in Greece, appropriately enough by an Athens beach. Four years ago the startup scene there had only a tiny community of technologists to draw upon. But last Friday
it packed a hall of just over 500 people and proved that at last the Greek entrepreneurial mindset was well and back home where it belongs. The event was standing room only.
Jan 08, 10:49AM

Relations between Nokia and its former BFF Microsoft are evidently not as cosy as once they were. While the Finnish mobile maker has reiterated it's "immediately focused" on Windows Phone for smartphones it has also indicated it is keeping an open mind about using alternatives to Microsoft's mobile OS in future -- potentially even considering a move to Android.
Jan 08, 8:28AM

Samsung has issued preliminary earnings guidance for Q4 and said its expectation is another record quarter with consolidated profit of around 8.8 trillion Korean won ($8.3 billion), on consolidated sales of approximately 56 trillion Korean won ($53.6 billion). The Q4 figure compares to 8.06 trillion Korean won in the previous quarter, and 4.66 trillion Korean won in the year ago quarter.
Jan 08, 8:28AM
ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency, today called out drive-by exploits as the biggest, most increasing threat of the moment in the Internet landscape, amongst a sea of other all-too-familiar issues like worms, phishing and botnets. Spam, one of the oldest and most annoying aspects of being online, is the only threat that is on the wane, according to ENISA's
Threat Landscape report out today.
Jan 08, 5:41AM

Samsung's ATIV Odyssey has been a real noodle-scratcher of a device ever since its existence was first hinted at during Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 launch event. Well, consider that particular veil lifted — Samsung had a near-final version of the Odyssey to play with here at Digital Experience in Las Vegas, and I took the secretive little guy for a spin.
Jan 08, 5:32AM

Polaroid saw the curtain raise early on its Android-based interchangeable lens cameras thanks to early leaks, but today was the first day we got to go hands on with the new cameras at CES 2013. The cameras, based on Android 4.1 (but fully upgradeable to 4.2, Polaroid tells me), feature a 10-30mm F2.8 lens (which maintains that aperture through the zoom range) and a pop-up flash, and they come in three flavors, including two with built-in Wi-Fi.
Jan 08, 5:11AM

When his grandmother was no longer able to live safely at home, Tal Ziv and his relatives set out to help her find the best senior care facility -- better known as assisted living communities. It's an experience many families face at some point, and it's not always an easy one. What's more, the stakes are high; we want loved ones to be at home in a great environment, but there's also the fact that the average cost of senior living communities is $80K. Assisted living facilities are expensive, and, while they're all very different, it can be tough to distinguish without visiting each and every one. So, wanting to find the best community for his grandmother, he began researching the best options in his area, only to find that the majority of them lacked a substantial presence online. So Ziv and former Microsoftie and veteran engineer Mike Cirello founded
Silver Living to digitize the process and become what the co-founders hope will be a "consumer reports for senior living communities."
Jan 08, 4:58AM

Canon had a number of new cameras on display at CES 2013 this year, but the most noteworthy of all was the PowerShot N, a new ultracompact shooter that's only about 3 inches by 2 and half, and only 1.2 inches deep. It's almost square, which makes it resemble the camera depicted in the Instagram icon on the iOS and Android app, and once you use it, you realize the connection probably isn't entirely accidental.
Jan 08, 3:40AM

Tonight is the last night of teasers and private previews before the main event. Starting at 7:30p PST TechCrunch TV will be streaming live from
Pepcom's Digital Experience! at the MGM Grand hotel. Join us as we tour the exhibit hall looking for the most newsworthy gadgets, smartphones, tablets, and more.
Jan 08, 3:23AM

Qualcomm's isn't really a brand that figures prominently into the average person's understanding of the mobile space, and that's exactly the issue that the San Diego-based semiconductor company is trying to tackle in its newest and most prominent CES keynote to date. Cringeworthy introduction aside (facepalm material as far as the eye could see), Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs took the stage to announce some big changes to its Snapdragon line of mobile chipsets.
Jan 08, 3:15AM

CES attendee, I'm glad you're here. You're going to see the latest and greatest gadgets. Just like you did last year. You have clearly noticed that you'll always find the latest gadgets at CES. It's here because it matters. Such gadgets do get released. They are not always figments of some marketing wizard's imagination. You have seen the press releases. Most note prices and release dates. There are demands for new, even niche products.
Jan 08, 2:39AM

Even though I once built a slideshow called "
Gadget Porn and Actual Porn," I have never been to CES. Because the fact is that, as every cool blogger has very creatively
beat us over the head with today, CES is tragically unhip. First of all, none of the actually important tech companies are there: Specifically, the "
four horsemen" - Amazon, Google, Apple, and Facebook. Even Microsoft officially ducked out last year, to much tech media chagrin. At CES 2013, the closest you'll get to a cool tech company is Samsung.
Yes, Samsung.
Jan 08, 2:01AM

Angry Birds-maker Rovio has said that it eventually expects that at least half or more of its revenues will come from physical goods in the future. It’s not the only developer that has popularized a brand on mobile and social platforms only to later introduce real-world merchandising. EA’s Popcap is parlaying its Bejeweled franchise into a line of real-world games through an agreement with Hasbro. Hasbro and Popcap’s parent EA, which bought Popcap for up to $1.3 billion including earnouts two years ago, have worked together for years. More than five years ago, EA picked up the rights to create digital versions of longstanding games like Monopoly, Scrabble and Yahtzee. This time, the partnership is taking games in the opposite direction — from the virtual world into the real one. As iOS and Android have become major platforms in their own right with about 1 billion devices either cumulatively sold or activated, smartphones have become a fast route to creating globally recognized entertainment brands like Angry Birds. Many developers like Cut The Rope-maker Zeptolab and Outfit7, which is behind animal character apps like Talking Tom, have signed licensing deals to create toys, T-shirts and more. The playbook for these developers, which are often bootstrapped or non-venture funded, has been to build higher-quality games that attract millions of users and enough loyalty that consumers will buy plush toys or T-shirts in the real world. Hasbro says it will launch two games this spring based on Bejeweled. These physical games will tie into the online versions, with virtual rewards for consumers who buy the product like a free download of Bejeweled 3. Bejeweled, a classic Match-3 game, is one of Popcap’s longest-standing brands. It was first developed for browsers more than 10 years ago. It later came to Facebook and was one of the first titles available for the iPod more than five years ago. After the EA acquisition, PopCap appears to have stayed fairly independent compared to other game developers that get absorbed into their buyers. Still, it hasn’t been all that smooth. The company recently laid off about 50 people and said it was considering closing its Dublin office last fall.
Jan 08, 1:54AM

As CES 2013 gets underway, it finds the Quantified Self movement to be a far more crowded market than a year ago, but
as Matt Burns pointed out recently, the market is still hungry for smarter devices and there is "plenty of room" for startups to go beyond movement and weight. With digital health data proliferating, wearable health-tracking devices (and the sensors that makes them tick) maturing, remote diagnosis improving and the mobile health app economy beginning to boom, there were a lot of exciting developments at the crossroads of health and technology in 2012.
Jan 08, 1:52AM

Ford just introduced its
new AppLink API that allows mobile apps to talk to its cars. Not to be outdone, General Motors just
introduced its own API and SDK for its new in-vehicle app platform. the big difference here is that while Ford uses a driver's smartphone, General Motors's framework for its MyLink platform is meant to let developers run apps hosted in the car's infotainment system.
Jan 08, 1:02AM

Those waiting patiently to buy a ticket for President Obama's final inaugural ball will be disappointed to know that they were accidently all sold out last Sunday. "A technical error" from Ticketmaster's system sent an email a day early and led to a flood of premature sales that sold out the entire stock of public tickets. For all the grumbles about government incompetence, the fumble is noteworthy since this was a private company taking over the responsibilities of a state function. It's a helpful reminder: the private sector screws up, too.
Jan 08, 1:00AM

Sony has announced its first quad-core smartphone at its CES press conference today: the Xperia Z. The company will be hoping this new Android flagship can deliver the scalps of high-end rival devices such as Samsung's Galaxy S3 and Apple's iPhone 5. The 4G handset has a symmetrical, rectangular slab design with clean lines and flat glass panes to front and back.
Jan 08, 12:54AM
GitHub continues to build out its unique social network with
Contributions, a new addition to profile pages that displays the projects developers created and what they are contributing to, as well as a calendar that shows all of their updates. It's once again GitHub's way of providing a social graph based on the work developers are doing. A developer can show off the most popular repositories they have built. Like a social graph, the repositories with the most starts and watchers makes it to the top of the list.
Jan 08, 12:45AM
Yiftee, a gifting service that aims to drive business to local merchants, has raised $850,000 in seed funding from Scott Cook, Mohr Davidow Ventures, and other angel investors. Similar to other gifting apps, Yiftee allows you to give gifts to friends via a mobile app. However, all gifts on the platform are from local businesses. For example, you could gift your friend a glass of wine, manicure or lunch at a local merchant.
Jan 08, 12:14AM
HackerRank has
hosted college-focused hackathons before, but on February 2, it plans to connect some of the top coding talent in universities with some of the best-known companies in Silicon Valley. Developed by the same company behind
InterviewStreet, a site where companies find programmers by hosting "CodeSprints," the HackerRank service
launched last fall at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference. Co-founder Vivek Ravisankar said the goal is to create a community where hackers can complete programming challenges and see how they stack up against others. Unlike Coursera and Udacity, HackerRank is less focused on teaching you the basics of programming and more on letting coders practice their skills, he said.
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