Sunday, September 11, 2011

Vacations are out, unlimited data to stay

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 10:20 PM PDT


A beautiful September day, football on the TV and farm fresh iPhone 5 rumors, picked at the height flavor. People in the know. Knowledgeable sources. Spies. When Apple’s smartphone next arrives during the first of October, Sprint’s retail workforce will be on the job serving up the industry’s last only unlimited data plan. Blorge readers [...]

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Android Marketplace policies ‘too lax,’ say devs

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 10:20 PM PDT

Categories: TECH.BLORGE

Android the mobile operating system is a huge success with tens of millions of smartphones out in the wild. However, Android the ecosystem isn’t doing nearly so well, especially developers, a critical issue that Google and its partners need to address if the platform is to not just survive but thrive. Beat the drum. Android [...]

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Moving to a cloud based experience has its problems

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 01:00 PM PDT

Categories: TECH.BLORGE

Microsoft's cloud based products like Office 365, along with products from Google and other companies are cloud based meaning that they are accessed by our computers but aren't stored on our hard drives.  These programs are stored on servers scattered around the world.  When something happens to either the servers, power grid or satellites used [...]

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Macs are cheaper to own

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 10:40 AM PDT

Categories: MAC.BLORGE

Yes, you can get a “new” PC for under $500 and people give them away at yard sales. You’ll find them sitting next to rusting gas grills and dusty exercise bikes. However, like a kitten or puppy, there’s no such thing as a free PC and cheap is usually just a byword for migraine. Seriously, [...]

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