Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Should Steve Ballmer depart Microsoft?


It’s the question on many people’s lips, including, it would seem, Microsoft employees. The past week has seen more calls for current CEO Steve Ballmer to depart Microsoft. More calls from the ones that have somewhat plagued his tenure in charge since he took over the position from Bill Gates at the beginning of 2000. [...]

iCloud rumors rain down


Music, movies and TV, oh my! Until today, we’ve only heard about Apple’s deals with three of the four major music labels, but now there are whispers that feature films and televisions will be in the mix, too. Are you ready for Cupertino’s major cloud reboot? It’s been quite a day so far [...] Related [...]

Iran wants its own internal Internet


Iran (or more accurately the Iranian government) wants to create and control its own Internet separate from the World Wide Web most of the rest of the world enjoys. Which is nice. The plans are detailed in a Wall Street Journal article which suggests the Iranian authorities want to go a lot further than they [...]

iWork goes universal


If you’re out and about with your iPhone, it’s now one heckuva lot easier to get serious work. Granted, you probably won’t be creating massive spreadsheets with complex calculations, but data entry and tweaking are certainly within the realm of possibility. Ditto that for word-processing and presentations. On the same day Apple <A [...] Related [...]

To the iCloud! Jobs to headline WWDC


Generally, the week before a major event is filled with wild speculation and rumors. Apple has, however, taken the lion’s share of topics off the table by confirming big Mac OS X, iOS and cloud services updates will be introduced or rolled out at this year’s San Francisco developer gathering. Apple has [...] Related Posts: [...]

The phone that thinks it’s a tablet


Asus is launching a phone that fits in your pocket but has a 10 inch touchscreen. And yes, there’s something of a catch. The Padfone, which has just reached the public announcement stage, is in fact two devices. [...]

The joys of an iPad vacation


Ask any lifestyle guru or productivity coach and they’ll likely tell you that when you go on vacation, you should cut the cord completely when it comes to the Internet. While that approach has some logic, I now believe its possible to get the benefits of an online connection while avoiding the drawbacks. I’ve done [...]